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تحميل لعبة المغامرة Funky Bee-PC علي الميديا فاير بحجم 152 ميجا

 تحميل لعبة المغامرة Funky Bee علي الميديا فاير بحجم 152 ميجا
 Funky Bee-PC
حصريا تحميل لعبة المغامرة Funky Bee علي الميديا فاير بحجم 152 ميجا
  تحميل لعبة المغامرة Funky Bee علي الميديا فاير بحجم 152 ميجا

قصة اللعبة
Five hundred years ago, a terrible dragon destroyed the magical Funky Bee castle in a blaze of fire.
Rallying around Her Royal Beeness, Queen Groovisma, the few survivors rebuilt the castle and peace was once again restored to the valley. And so it has been for centuries.

But recently, a series of mysterious magic outages have plagued the castle and its inhabitants. 

To make matters worse, bears have been sighted on the banks of Honeydew River, near the Great Dam.

Rumour has it that the bears have somehow found a way into the ancient catacombs that lie deep underground. But how? And why?

Now it is up to you to discover the truth behind this growing threat and save Funky Bee before it is to late!
مميزات اللعبة
Game Features
• Hunt for treasure and explore more than 35 amazing locations in a wonderful story-driven adventure.
• 40 funny and quirky characters will entertain and challenge you with quests and mini-games.
• Inside awaits lots of fun the entire family can enjoy together.

معلومات اللعبة

تاريخ الاصدار:2012

تصنيف اللعبة :
Adventure game
لغة اللعبة:الانجليزية

حجم اللعبة:152 ميجا


لقطات اللعبة


التحميل علي الميديا فاير برابطيين
حجم اللعبة:152 ميجا

Funky Bee-PC
الجزء الاول
بحجم:150 ميجا


الجزء الثاني 
بحجم:2 ميجا

باسورد الميديا فاير



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